Is San Francisco near San Diego?
How far away is San Francisco from New York?

Distance from New-York to San-Francisco The shortest distance (air line) between New-York and San-Francisco is 2,565.68 mi (4,129.06 km).
How far is San Francisco to New York? Distance from San Francisco to New York The shortest distance (air line) between San Francisco and New York is 2,565.68 mi (4,129.06 km).
Is San Francisco and New York close?
The distance from New York to San Francisco is 4,139 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 2,572 miles. The shortest distance between New York and San Francisco is 4,139 km = 2,572 miles.
How far is San-Francisco from New York flight?
Airlines & Travel | time |
Delta Air Lines JFK or SFO | 6 hours 40 min |
How many days does it take to get from New York to San-Francisco?
True, the driving distance between New York to San Francisco is 2923 miles. It takes about 45h 27m drive from New York to San Francisco. Which airlines fly from Newark Airport to San Francisco Airport? JetBlue Airways, Sun Country Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Inc.
How long does it take to get from New York to San Francisco by car?
How long does it take to travel from New York, NY to San Francisco, CA? Total driving time is 42 hours 43 minutes. Your journey begins in New York, New York. It ends in San Francisco, California.
How far is San Francisco from New York by plane?
The shortest distance (air route) between New York and San Francisco is 2,565.68 mi (4,129.06 km).
How long is a train ride from San Francisco to New York?
How long is the train journey from San Francisco to New York? The distance between San Francisco and New York is 2566 miles, or 4129 kilometers. The average train journey between these two cities takes 80 hours and 39 minutes, although the absolute fastest you can travel is 77 hours and 50 minutes.
How long is the flight to San Francisco to New York?
Flight time from San Francisco, CA to New York is 5 hours 20 minutes.
How far is San Francisco from New York by plane?
The shortest distance (air route) between New York and San Francisco is 2,565.68 mi (4,129.06 km).
How many hours is it from San Francisco to New York?
How long does it take to drive from San Francisco to New York? The fastest route between the two cities, Interstate 80 East, took about 44 hours to drive.
What city is in between San Francisco and San Diego?

The top cities between San Francisco and San Diego are Los Angeles, Anaheim, Santa Monica, Carlsbad, San Jose, Temecula, Laguna Beach, Long Beach, Santa Clarita, and Malibu. Los Angeles is the most popular city on the route – it’s 6 hours from San Francisco and 2 hours from San Diego.
How far is it driving from San Diego to San Francisco? How long to drive? The distance between San Diego and San Francisco is approximately 500 miles (805 kilometers) and the fastest route takes about 8.5 hours.
Where is San Francisco and San Diego?
San Francisco is in Argentina at longitude -122.42 and latitude 37.77. San Diego is located in Colombia at longitude -117.16 and latitude 32.72. Driving distance: 807 KM and 316 meters / 501.6 miles. Straight Line Distance: 737 KM and 800 meters / 458.4 miles.
Is San Diego and San Francisco the same?
San Diego and San Francisco are the two largest metro areas in California and each sits on a beautiful bay. You will find excitement and pleasure no matter who you choose, but San Francisco and San Diego offer different lifestyles, not just a difference in the cost of living.
What is between San Francisco and San Diego?
The top cities between San Francisco and San Diego are Los Angeles, Anaheim, Santa Monica, Carlsbad, San Jose, Temecula, Laguna Beach, Long Beach, Santa Clarita, and Malibu. Los Angeles is the most popular city on the route – it’s 6 hours from San Francisco and 2 hours from San Diego.
Is San Francisco closer to San Diego?
San-Diego is as far from San-Francisco as San-Francisco from San Diego (737 km), Tijuana (765 km).
How far away is San Francisco and San Diego?
The total driving distance from San Francisco, CA to San Diego, CA is 501 miles or 806 kilometers.
How long is the trip from San Diego to San Francisco?
The 560-mile road trip from San Diego to San Francisco takes 10 hours and 20 minutes to drive.
How long is the trip from San Diego to San Francisco?
The 560-mile road trip from San Diego to San Francisco takes 10 hours and 20 minutes to drive.
How long is it from San Fran to San Diego?
Distance from San-Francisco to San-Diego The shortest distance (air line) between San-Francisco and San-Diego is 458.49 mi (737.87 km). The shortest route between San-Francisco and San-Diego according to the route planner.
How far is San Fran from San Diego flight?
Flight Summary The flight time from San Diego to San Francisco is 1 hour, 26 minutes. Time on air is 1 hour, 6 minutes. The distance from San Diego to San Francisco is 447 Miles.
Where do you stop on the way to San Francisco?

Here are 13 amazing places to enjoy on a road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco along Highway 1.
- Santa Monica. …
- Malibu. …
- Santa Barbara. …
- Solvang. …
- Pismo Beach. …
- Hearst Castle. …
- Elephant Seal Vista Point. …
- big Sur.
How long is the journey on Highway 1 from LA to San Francisco? Tips for driving PCH from LA to San Francisco Without stopping, it takes about 8.5-9 hours to drive from LA to San Francisco on Highway 1. Keep in mind that this is NOT a 55 MPH highway. Your average speed will be around 35 MPH around 95 miles (between San Simeon and Monterey.)
What is the scenic route from LA to San Francisco?
Option 3: Scenic Pacific Coast Highway The best way to travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco and vice versa is to take the legendary Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway, one of the most beautiful and popular roads in America, a true symbol. of road trips in California.
How long does it take to drive the Pacific Coast Highway from LA to San Francisco?
Driving the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco to LA takes around 10 to 12 hours without stopping. Most guests choose to take a 2 to 3 day drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
What is the scenic route to San Francisco?
49-Mile Scenic Drive is a designated scenic street tour that highlights much of San Francisco, California. It was created in 1938 by the San Francisco Down Town Association to demonstrate the city’s major attractions and natural beauty during the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition.